Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School
Ionia, Michigan

Our School

The Mission of Saints Peter and Paul School is to provide a high quality Catholic education in a Catholic Christian environment.
Through Word, example and service, students are taught a sense of reponsibility for others and are encouraged to be actively involved in their faith and local communities.
Our goal is to form future leaders, productive citizens and active faith filled Christian men and women.
Believing that each child is unique, and by his or her very nature possesses dignity and worth, it becomes the purpose of our school to provide a Catholic environment in which the child can grow as a total human being.
Quick Facts
SS. Peter and Paul School is accredited annually by the MNSAA – Michigan Non-Public Schools Accrediting Association
SS. Peter and Paul School is a member of the following organizations:
Alliance of Schools – Diocese of Grand Rapids
Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS)
National Catholic Education Association (NCEA)
Ionia Chamber of Commerce
Speech & Language Services
Special Education Testing & Consultation Services
6th -8th grade Band Instructors
Bus Service to and from school for those students living within the district who would travel a mile or more (K-4th grades) or a mile and half or more (5th -8th grades) from home to school
Ionia Dial-a-Ride